Thursday, May 30, 2013

Coffee culture in Korea. Fancy a cup?

Knowing that South Korea has in the last couple of decades developed a strong coffee and café culture scored highly on my appreciation for the country. I like coffee, coffee is the beverage of my people (wine too), coffee is my fuel, and it turns out coffee is a pretty big deal in Korea. Match made in heaven.

After noticing that Koreans seem to use the original names in (more often than not) Italian for all the coffee varieties out there I decided to explore in more detail the coffee/café culture of the country and to see if I'd successfully understand café menus without a great need to memorise local vocabulary. 98% of the items in the menu I got hold of resemble a hangeulisation of a Starbucks menu, the only native Korean (via Chinese or not is not relevant) words were only found in the tea and juice sections.

Seems like going to a café could be a good way of dealing with homesickness; that is, if I ever make it to K-shores. This particular chain also uses Brazilian coffee beans (yay!!) let's hope they roast them and make heavenly coffee just like the Portuguese do.

So here is a print screen from café bene, a coffee chain from South Korea (not sure if, as of now, they have extended their stores to the Northern People's Republic).

커피모카 - café mocha
카라멜마끼아 - caramel macchiato
카푸치노 - cappuccino
에스프레소 - espresso
화이트모카 - white mocha
아메리카노 - americano
아포가또 - affogato
카페라떼 - café latte
에스프레소콘파냐 - espresso con panna

에스프레소마끼아또 - espresso macchiato
바닐라라떼 - vanilla latte
크림카라멜라떼 - caramel latte
크림망뜨라떼 - cream ? latte
아이리쉬블루라떼 - Irish blue latte
아이스아메리카노 - Iced americano

카라멜프라페노 - caramel frappe
모카프라페노 - mocha frappe
화이트모카프라페노 - white mocha frappe no
모숫가루프라페노 - ?
그린티퍼라페노 (휘피) - green tea frappe no
초코칩프라페노 - choc chip frappeno
망뜨초코칩프라페노 - ? choc chip frappeno
플레인요거트스무디 - plain yogurt smoothie
블루베리요거트스무디 - blueberry yogurt smoothie

녹차 - green tea
잉글리쉬블랙퍼스트 - English breakfast
얼그레이 - Earl Grey
민트 - mint
캐모마일 - camomile

Strange not to see more traditional Korean teas, surely there must be a considerable number of them.

그린라떼 - green latte
아이스그린라떼 - iced green latte
밀크티라떼 - milk latte
아이스밀크티라떼 - iced milk latte
블루베리라떼 - blueberry latte
고구마라떼 - sweet potato latte (that is something I still haven't seen in Australia)
아이스고구마라떼 - iced sweet potato latte
아이스리얼초콜랏라떼 - iced real(?) chocolate latte
우유 - milk (perhaps one of my favourite words in Korean)

딸기주스 - strawberry juice
토마토주스 - tomato juice
키위생과일주스 - kiwi fruit juice
자몽주서 - grapefruit juice
오랜지생과일주스 - orange juice
홍시주스 - persimmon juice

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