Monday, September 10, 2012

Verb Conjugation - Informal (Polite) VST- 아/어/헤요

Informal (polite) - Issuing a statement/asking a question 

1. If the last vowel of the verb stem isㅏor ㅗ then 아요.

2. If the last vowel of the verb is any other vowel then 어 요.

3. If the verb finished in 하 then it 하 becomes 해 followed by 요.

Examples of verb conjugation

1. VST-아요

가다* (to go) 5th
+ㅏ요 => 가 +요* =
* for pronunciation reasons the second is eliminated and the verb becomes simply 가요.

자다* (to sleep) 10th
+ㅏ요 => 자 +요* =

만나다* (to meet) 20th
만나 +ㅏ요 => 만나 +요* =

앉나 (to sit) 9th
만나 +ㅏ요 => 만나 +요 =

오다* (to come) 1st
+ㅓ요 => + 아요* =
* for pronunciation reasons the vowel plus becomes . The sound is the same but the vowels are contracted into one.

2. VST- 어

먹다 (to eat) 3rd
+ㅓ요 => +어요 =

주다 (to give) 4th
+ㅓ요 => 주 +ㅓ요 =

는다 (to hear) 6th
+ㅓ요 => 는 +어요 =

씻다 (to wash) 11nd
+ㅓ요 => 씻 + 어요 =

마시다* (to drink) 2nd
마시 +ㅓ요 => 마시 +어요* =
* for pronunciation reasons the vowelplusbecomes . The sound is the same but the vowels are contracted into one.

쓰다* (to write) 12nd
+ㅓ요 => +어요* =
* for pronunciation reasons the vowel dissapears when followed by. There is a slight difference in pronunciation.

주다* (to give) 4th
+ㅓ요 => 주 +ㅓ요* =
* for pronunciation reasons the vowel plus becomes . The sound is the same but the vowels are contracted into one.

베우다* (to learn) 7nd
베우 +ㅓ요 => 베우 +어요* =

3. VST => 애요

공부하다 (to study) 21st
먹공보하 +

I have copied a list of common Korean verbs from SydneyToSeoul and decided to post about verb conjugation in Korean.

  1. 오다: to come*
  2. 마시다: to drink*
  3. 먹다: to eat*
  4. 주다:  to give*
  5. 가다: to go*
  6. 듣다:  to hear*
  7. 배우다: to learn*
  8. 만들다: to make
  9. 앉다: to sit*
  10. 자다: to sleep* ** (compare with 잠자다)**
  11. 씻다: to wash*
  12. 쓰다: to write*
  13. 울다: to cry
  14. 갖다: to have (three verbs with the same? meaning) **
  15. 웃다: to laugh
  16. 보다: to see*
  17. 일어나다: to get up
  18. 걷다: to walk
  19. 춤추다: to dance
  20. 만나다: to meet*
  21. 공부하다: to study*
  22. 운전하다: to drive
  23. 사다: to buy
  24. 읽다: to read
  25. 주문하다: to order
  26. 입다: to wear
  27. 찍다: to take (picture)
  28. 쓰다: to wear (hat, eyewear) (compare with to write)**
  29. 신다:  to wear (shoes, socks, footwear)
  30. 빌리다: to borrow, lend
  31. 전화하다: to telephone
  32. 말하다: to talk, speak
  33. 가르치다: to teach
  34. 기다리다: to wait
  35. 걸다: to call, dial
  36. 청소하다: to clean
  37. 타다: to ride
  38. 나가다: to exit
  39. 들어오다: to enter
  40. 물아보다: to ask
  41. 필요하다: to need
  42. 도와주다: to help
  43. 열다: to open
  44. 닫다: to close
  45. 일하다: to work
  46. 쉬다: to rest
  47. 운동하다: to exercise
  48. 생각하다: to think
  49. 알다: to know
  50. 모르다: to not know
  51. 요리하다: to cook
  52. 끓이다: to boil
  53. 썰다:  to chop, slice
  54. 튀기다: to deep fry
  55. 재다: to measure, weigh
  56. 섞다: to mix, blend
  57. 굽다: to roast, grill, bake
  58. 볶다: to fry
  59. 급다: to grill
  60. 휘젓다: to stir
  61. 하다: to do
  62. 있다: to have (three verbs with the same? meaning)**
  63. 없다: to not have
  64. 이야기하다:  to talk, chat
  65. 연습하다: to practice
  66. 묻다: to ask
  67. 내다: to pay
  68. 살다: to live
  69. 죽다: to die
  70. 태어나다: to be born
  71. 사랑하다: to love
  72. 좋아하다: to like
  73. 싫어하다: to hate, dislike
  74. 결혼하다: to marry
  75. 축하하다: to congratulate
  76. 걱정하다: to worry
  77. 약속하다: to promise
  78. 거짓말하다: to lie
  79. 고백하다: to confess
  80. 죄송하다: to be sorry
  81. 찾다: to find, to look for
  82. 준비하다; to prepare
  83. 가지다: to have (three verbs with the same? meaning)**
  84. 기억하다: to remember
  85. 꿈꾸다: to dream
  86. 시작하다: to start
  87. 끝나다: to finish
  88. 보내다: to send
  89. 사용하다: to use
  90. 팔다: to sell
  91. 싸우다: to fight
  92. 대답하다: to answer
  93. 소개하다: to introduce
  94. 출발하다: to depart
  95. 도착하다: to arrive
  96. 벗다: to undress, take off clothes
  97. 이기다: to win, defeat
  98. 지다: to lose, be defeated
  99. 서두르다: to hurry, rush
  100. 사랑에 빠지다: to fall in love
*Verbs marked with * have been conjugated in the examples above.
** Verbs marked with ** require special attention.

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